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Read our dossier to know all our services.


Since 1988, COABA has provided services to all its cooperatives, seeking to provide quality assistance and adequate to their needs. Throughout all these years, the Cooperative has been experiencing strong growth, building modern forage dehydrators. Our main objective has been to offer our customers the highest quality standard in our products. The opening to foreign markets has been fundamental in the evolution of COABA, since at present our products have consolidated markets and recognized. COABA is a Cooperative that has been expanding its horizons over the years, without losing at any time its desire to improve the land and the society in which it lives.

Mission and values
COABA works to offer our customers products of the highest quality. COABA is committed to the principles of business ethics and to transparency in all areas of activity. COABA pursues the social interest, understood as the common interest of all cooperatives in society, oriented to the exploitation of its corporate purpose, in accordance with the provisions of current legislation. The responsible behavior of all those who are part of COABA is an indispensable guide of action that constitutes one of the most solid characteristics of the personality of the cooperative.
By having COABA as a supplier, we ensure an optimum product in quality and an unbeatable professional service
Since 1988, COABA has provided services to all its cooperatives, seeking to provide quality assistance and adequate to their needs.

Industrial Installations

Making customers and friends

since FRIDAY 1988-01-08

Process of Dehydration

Process of Haymaking

Half pressed

Load medium bales

Bales interior

Dehydration process

Wheat straw

Rye grass


Since 1988, COABA has provided services to all its cooperatives, seeking to provide quality assistance and adequate to their needs.

Office Addess

Carretera de la Gineta S/N

02639 Barrax (Albacete)


Phone: +34 967 364 572

Fax: +34 967 364 572

Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]


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